Saturday, April 21, 2018

Women in Education

Women are the indispensable part of a society. Their education influence the coming generation .The development of future generation mainly depends upon the education of women section .So the education of women is realized to be the most essential part for the development of the society. It can help every woman to educate their children to be good manager of the family as well as the active member of the society. The children learn their manners and behavior at home and mostly mothers are responsible for cultivating good behavior in their children .Every educated woman can run her house well and make it a paradise on earth .Every educated woman can think well about her future and her aim in life and then choose the appropriate subject which will be useful to her throughout the life. In a democratic system the position of women is equal with that of men .

Now a days women are also conscious about their rights and obligations. Educationists are of the opinion that mother is the first educator of the child. From birth to school age the home environment and association of other members of the family plays a significant role in developing proper attitudes among them. But the influence of mother on the child is much more important .She is responsible for upbringing and development .Most of the time a child lives in contact with the mother and is influenced and affected by her. 

Therefore it is very necessary that a mother is imbued with good qualities and acts as a guide .Thus the education of women is of great importance in our national and social life .It is the duty of the society and the government to provide adequate facilities for the education of women .Because if we educate a girl, we educate the whole family. A truly educated mother can very easily retrieve the minds of her children from fears, prejudices and superstition in which they may be entangled. She can train a child’s mind and keep him away from undesirable company and wrong notions .So the importance of women education is certainly great .Women plays a very significant role in developing human resources, improving household affairs in molding character of children.

 The women not only played important role at home, but they also play a very significant role in the society she lives in. Once we realize the importance of the role played by women in the family and society the urgency of the need for educating her becomes vivid .The role of women outside home is becoming an important aspect of the social and economic life of the country. The Science and Technology has brought a complete revolution in thoughts and attitudes of human being. It is felt need that Indian women have to come forward and to play a great role in the development of scientific thinking and scientific disposition in solving the problems of life .

The women with their scientific knowledge and attitude can teach their children the art of healthy living. There is a Chinese saying, “If you wish to plan for a year, plant wheat, if you wish to plant for 10 years, grow trees, if you wish to plan for 100 years educate your women"

This indicates the importance of women education. Napoleon said that, “Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized nation. 

By educating the women we can educate the whole nation, because a country can never rise without the contribution of 50% of its population.” Swami Vivekananda once said that, “It is impossible to think about the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. Without educated women a nation cannot expect a high growth rate and solution of internal problems. Women and men are equally treated in the eyes of the law. However our cultural conditioning is the main source of atrocities against women. 

Culturally, a woman in India is supposed to remain confined at home for internal domestic routine work and men on the other hand is the bread earner. However, due to the spread of education a lot of changes could be observed. 

Ms. Nishu Jain

Hello Kids,  Rainbow

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